Titles Speak Volumes

Titles speak volumes. The US government has a volume of them. Their authoritative manual includes: CEO, COO, CFO, CSO, CTO.  If those are confusing they also have Bobbin Loose-End Finder, Napper Tender, Smoke Jumper, and Wrinkle Chaser. Titles tell us something, but nowhere do they say as much as at Advent.Advent is a season of preparation. It is the time to prepare for the arrival of Messiah. As we read Luke’s account of Jesus’ advent we find three titles for Jesus. They sum up Advent and give us the reason for the joy of the season: For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. (Luke 2:11)

Savior reminds me of the bad news – my sin left me separated from God and under his wrath. I needed saving. Savior also reminds me of the good news – Jesus alone became my substitute, dying for my sins to bring me to God (1 Peter 3:18). The title Savior reminds me: Jesus makes it possible for me to know God.

Christ reminds me that God is the ultimate Promise Keeper. God promised the Messiah--His Anointed One--from the days of the Garden (Genesis 3:14-15), a promise repeated throughout the Scriptures. The title Christ reminds me: God keeps his promises.

Lord reminds me that Jesus is the Master and Ruler. This is not just a baby we see in the manger. We are witnessing the God of the universe moving into the neighborhood of humanity to bring us life. The title Lord reminds me: Jesus is my Sovereign Ruler.

These titles would be nothing more than fancy fabrications if Jesus were just another child. But John reminds us the Word became flesh (John 1:14). Because God entered our world we too can celebrate the angel’s announcement: For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord (Luke 2:11).

This Christmas season, may God keep you fixed on Jesus, our Savior, our Christ, our Lord!